Thank you for your interest in writing a text to enrich our blog and thus help enthusiasts like you to surpass themselves and to learn more about the industry.
We invite you to read the following carefully in order to better prepare yourself for writing and sending your text.
... first and foremost passionate about woodworking and related aspects. Whether it is your main job, your hobby, your subject of study or your future aspiration, you are dedicated to it wholeheartedly. You are a master, foreman, apprentice, teacher, retiree. Woodworkers, handymen, carpenters, architects, designers, decorators, kitchen designers, cabinet makers, dealers, distributors, contractors, traders, industrialists, manufacturers, artists, institutions: you are cordially invited to contribute.
You are also anyone who revolves around the wood industry, construction, renovation, heritage, construction, forestry, the environment, scientific research, education. You are also an accountant for a general contractor, truck driver or order picker without whom the products could not be routed or properly accounted for. You work in the workshop, in the factory, on construction sites, on an internship, at home, in the offices, in the store, in your truck.
In short, you are directly or indirectly interested in all aspects of our field and you want to share your passion and your expertise.
The text must be entirely original and authentic, that is to say that you have composed it yourself (other people can of course help you correct it). You wrote it expressly for our blog. We will not publish a text or part of it that has already been published elsewhere on the web or in print, even if it was written by you. However, you can take advantage of publishing your article on our blog to share it on all your social networks, your own blog and your website.
Your article will reflect the tone used by Bois Expansion in all its written and oral communications. We tend to be casual, without being too familiar. If your subject calls for it, it could be more technical or scientific. We use standard English addressed mainly to Quebecers and Canadians, but also to the international community. If you must use jargon, which is a word or phrase only understood by people in the industry, you will give one or more synonyms or give a brief explanation. Respect in every sense of the word will prevail in your article.
In your text, indicate how the products and services of Bois Expansion have enabled you to create timeless, original and durable designs. We invite you to include one or a few mentions of our products and services.
Before sending it to us, review your text for spelling and syntax errors. That said, don't censor yourself, don't prevent yourself from writing. Start by putting out all your ideas, your concepts, your opinions, your analyzes. Don't think about potential mistakes at this step. Read aloud to summarize, to rephrase, to eliminate what is superfluous, repetitive or unnecessary. Get straight to the point. Only when you are satisfied with all of your text will you think of correcting it. To do so, use the various correction and conjugation tools available on the web, such as Grammarly or Reverso. In your word processing software, run the spell check (it does wonders). Also, a friend, a colleague or any other acquaintance will be happy to give you some feedback. Know that we will revise your text to pick up any forgotten typos.
If your text contains citations, results of external research, images other than your own or any other external reference, they must be accompanied by their complete bibliographic reference. All images, photos and videos must be accompanied by a caption.
For different kinds of references:
Your article can take different forms, depending on your intention and the subject you want to talk about. Remember that you have to be the author of your post, even for graphic representations. Here are some examples of types of articles:
You tell about what you have experienced, tried, succeeded, or completely failed.
Explain your methods. Give us a little history lesson. Relate scientific analyzes, statistics. Remind us the rules of the art.
Use your talents as a draftsman, illustrator, designer to represent your ideas.
Go to this page to easily send us your article:
Share your passion and your expertise on our blog.
If you prefer to use your preferred email application to send us your text, enter “Text for the blog: temporary title of your article” in the Subject line. Insert tour file in your message (do not copy the article into the body of the message). Write us a little introductory note.
It is easier for us to process Word type documents, with extensions . docs. We need to be able to edit the document.
We will rework the images and multimedia content that you send us to crop and add references and captions. Photos, images, graphics and any other multimedia content must have been created by yourself. In the event that you need to use multimedia content from elsewhere, you must provide us with the precise source.
We would appreciate a small bio and photo of yourself if possible.
Thank you again for your participation. Happy writing and we look forward to reading your text!
The Bois Expansion team